Learn more about Human Trafficking
and get access to resources.

Human Trafficking is the trade of humans for the purpose of forced labour, sexual slavery, or commercial sexual exploitation for financial gain or benefit for the traffickers or others.

The goal of the Thunder Bay Coalition to End Human Trafficking and this website is to help survivor/victims and provide resources to prevent human trafficking in Thunder Bay. Learn more about human trafficking and get access to resources.

Are you a survivor / victim?
Are You..

  • Being controlled by threats, force or deception?
  • Being told to keep in constant contact (given one or more cell phones)?
  • Receiving expensive gifts?
  • Being isolated from your family and friends?
  • Earning or making money and not being able to keep it?
  • Being forced to give your ID to someone else?
  • Being told to look sexy (hair, nails and clothes etc.)?
  • Being denied food and sleep?
  • Being forced to have sex for money?

If YES, you may be a survivor / victim of human trafficking.

Contact police or emergency services
Call 911
Contact Thunder Bay and Area Victim Services
Call (807) 684-1051

Upcoming Events

February 22 2023
6:30pm- 8:30pm
Come out and meet The Thunder Bay Coalition to End Human Trafficking resources and supports Learn facts about how Human Trafficking/ Child Exploitation happens in our community and how to help keep our community and youth safe from this terrible crime!
Reserve a spot